I am a full stack JavaScript developer.
- Rainbow room, a tool to showcase new collections to retailers 2022
- Teleoptometry, a tele medicine system 2020
- Apps for the smartwatch Bangle.js 2020
- Redcarpet, a B2B marketplace 2019
- Dinamco 2019
- Pigbirth, a pig birth control system 2019
- Armani e-store 2019
- flyFeed, a simple RSS reader 2018
- Dsquared2 e-store 2018
- 15 puzzle 2018
- Just Cavalli e-store 2017
- APL configurator 2017
- Mangiamusica, a music player for toddlers - WIP 2017
- tTracker, a time tracking web app for freelancers 2017
- Maison Margiela e-store 2016
- ReMEdi reveal.js markdown editor 2016
- Y-3 e-store 2016
- nightwatchGui, a Graphical User Interface for the test automation framework nightwatch-cucumber 2016
- Gherkin/Cucumber file preprocessor 2016
- Karl Lagerfeld e-store 2015
- Addressbook 2014
- Next Opening Food website 2014
- Bicigeneratori website 2014
- Club Viro della Sicurezza blog 2013
- Legambiente Bologna website 2013
- Carisma website 2012
Rainbow room, a tool to showcase new collections to retailers

Technical details
- Frontend: React + Redux + TypeScript + Styled Components
- Backend: Node + Express + TypeScript + MongoDB
Teleoptometry, a tele medicine system

Technical details
- Frontend: React + Redux + TypeScript + Formik + Material.UI + Styled Components
- Backend: microservices architecture, Node + Fastify + TypeScript + MongoDB + Redis
Redcarpet, a B2B marketplace

Technical details
- Frontend: React + Redux + Socket.io
- Backend: Node + Express + TypeScript + MongoDB + Redis

Technical details
- Web components
- Hyperapp
- Google maps
Pigbirth, a pig birth control system

Technical details
- Frontend: React + Redux + TypeScript
- Backend: Node + Hapi + MySql
Dsquared2 e-store

Technical details
- Accessible website
- Responsive images
- ES-6 + webpack
- SASS + PostCss
- Fully responsive
- Wordpress integration for editorial content
- Based on a .NET MVC custom front-end platform
- Based on custom js pub-sub framework
Just Cavalli e-store

Technical details
- Fully accessible website compliant with WCAG 2.0 level A requirements
- Responsive images
- ES-6 + webpack
- SASS + PostCss
- Mobile & desktop versions, with a shared core and different heads
- Wordpress integration for editorial content
- Based on a .NET MVC custom front-end platform
- Based on custom js pub-sub framework
APL configurator

Technical details
- React + Redux + Jest
- Dynamic content loading via json file
- Fluid layout
tTracker, a time tracking web app for freelancers

Technical details
- React + Redux + Jest + Material.Ui
- Test Driven Developed
- Optimistic interface
- Support for multiple databases: services for indexedDb and firebase are included, more can be added
Maison Margiela e-store

Technical details
- Fully responsive
- ES-6 + webpack
- SASS + PostCss + Foundation
- Integration with third party CMS
- Based on a .NET MVC custom front-end platform
- Based on custom js pub-sub framework
Y-3 e-store

Technical details
- Desktop & Mobile versions
- Based on custom js pub-sub framework
Karl Lagerfeld e-store

Technical details
- Desktop & Mobile versions
- SASS + Compass
- Wordpress integration for editorial content
- Based on a .NET MVC custom front-end platform
- Based on custom js pub-sub framework
Legambiente Bologna website

Technical details
- Fully responsive
- Joomla! CMS
- Custom template
About me

I am a senior full stack developer with 9 years experience.
I build rich and inclusive web sites and web apps, using HTML, CSS, JS and Node.js, both "vanilla" or choosing the right framework for the job at hand.
I work in the web industry since 2002. At first as a project leader, then as a web designer and web master. In 2011 I switched to development and since then I've been a freelance, a full time front end developer, a tech lead and then a full stack developer.
- Front-end development: JavaScript, TypeScript, ES6, Redux.js, React.js, Jest, Elm, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap, Foundation, AJAX, SVG, Material UI, indexedDb
- Back-end development: Node.Js, Hapi, Express, Fastify, MongoDb, MySql, Electron, Firebase, C#, .NET MVC
- Programming paradigms: OOP, functional programming
- OS: Linux, Windows, MacOs
- Tools: Git, Mercurial, Webpack, npm, ESlint, Postcss
- Italian: mother tongue
- English: advanced (Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, grade A)
Work experience
Full stack Developer (2019 > Today)
Abstract, Via Broletto 43, Milano
I am a senior member of a tightly knitted and highly skilled team. Following the agile practices we develop and deliver highly interactive web based apps. We are currently focused on E-stores, in-store apps and b2b marketplaces for some of the major players in the fashion industry.
We use use JavaScript as our main programming language, both on server and client side. Depending on the project we can complement vanilla Node.js and JavaScript with powerful companion like TypeScript and React.
Front end developer/JavaScript Developer (2015 > 2019)
Yoox Net-A-Porter Group, Via Nannetti 1, Zola Predosa (BO)
I was a member of a cross functional team of 15 people (5 of which were devs). Using the agile methodology, iteration after iteration, we found the best way to transform the creativity of designers into actually working web sites.
While we were committed to support as many browsers as possible, we tried hard to use the latest technologies. We used CSS3 + postCss + autoprefixer and ES6 + Webpack + Babel to support older browsers as well as newer ones.
Since we cared about performance we used responsive images and lazy load them, used HTTP2 and its best practices and exploited caching as much as possible.
We were part of a big corporate that runs 40+ e-stores, so, obviously, we relied on a front end platform (custom developed in .NET MVC) that was a middleware between the API and the actual front end. We could also leverage a corporate JavaScript framework, based on the pub/sub pattern, that took care of some common tasks, such as cart management or form validation. This platform allowed a fairly wide degree of customization that we exploited to meet the ever challenging clients’ requests.
Since we were in charge of maintenance for the web sites we build, we took a great care in the scalability and maintainability of every single line of code we wrote.
Besides web sites I was also an active contributor to several internal tools, such as the internal functional test automation platform, build upon Nightwatch.js and Cucumber and the sites configuration console, written in Electron + React + Redux.
Front end Developer Freelance (2011 > 2014)
As a front end developer I created web sites with a special attention for usability, SEO and performance.
I relayed over the open source CMS Joomla! and Wordpress as a backend, on top of which I developed customized themes and templates.
Web Marketing Consultant (2008 > 2014)
Viro Spa, Zola Predosa (Bo)
For a sector leader I designed and implemented the corporate web marketing strategy. I created, developed and edited for 3 years the corporate blog www.virosecurityclub.com, with weekly updates in 4 languages, as a powerful tool of content marketing.
As the social media manager I run the Facebook, Twitter and Google+ corporate accounts. As the on-line community manager I dealt with communities, such as forums and newsgroups, related to mechanical security topics.
Communication Manager/Web Master (2007 > 2014)
Centro Anatartide, Bologna
As a communication manager I co-designed and co-managed the national raising awareness campaigns on road safety Vacanze coi fiocchi and Siamo tutti pedoni.
As a graphic designer I authored posters, leaflets and booklets for several center’s projects, like the EU funded project on water saving Wataclick, while as a web master I published and edited several web sites, mainly based on Joomla! and Wordpress CMS, related to different center’s projects.
Co-founder and CEO (2004 >2008)
Caffe Network Scarl, Bologna
I was co-founder and CEO of Caffè Network, an agency specialized in the set-up, fine tuning and monitoring of distribution networks for free press projects.
We worked for some of the biggest players in the industry, like the newspaper City and the magazine Urban, both edited by RCS Media Group.
We also edited a monthly free press magazine, “l’ammazzacaffè”, printed on table mats and distributed in pubs and restaurants.
Account/Project Leader (2002 > 2003)
O-one, Reggio Emilia
I was an account and project leader of a medium-sized web agency that worked with clients like Berloni, Kerakoll and Vodafone. My role dealt with customer relationships, business development and project management.
- 2015 Course “Agile Development”, a week long intensive course on Agile theory and practice followed by a 2 week long boot camp.
- 2014 Course on “Information and Communication Technologies: Opportunities for business and local development“ - Spinner, Bologna, Italy
- 2001 Graduated in Communication Sciences with 110 cum laude (maximum grade) from the University of Bologna, Italy